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تفاوت over و with و by در انگلیسی

تفاوت over و with و by در انگلیسی

در این مطلب قصد داریم شما را با حروف اضافه “With”،“Over” و “By” در زبان انگلیسی آشنا کنیم و کاربرد هر یک را با مثال‌های فراوان برای شما مشخص کیم. با ما همراه باشید.

تفاوت over و with و by در انگلیسی

تفاوت over و with و by در انگلیسی: کاربرد with

حرف اضافه‌ی with برای نشان دادن با هم بودن یا درگیر بودن استفاده می‌شود؛ مانند:

  • I ordered a sandwich with a drink.
  • He was with his friend when he saw me.
  • She has been working with her sister at the nail shop.
  • The manager will be with you shortly.

حرف اضافه‌ی with برای نشان دادن “داشتن و دارا بودن” استفاده می‌شود؛ مانند:

  • I met a guy with green eyes.
  • Were you the one talking with an accent?
  • People with a lot of money are not always happy.

حرف اضافه‌ی with برای نشان دادن “using” استفاده می‌شود؛ مانند:

  • I wrote a letter with the pen you gave me.
  • This is the soup that I made with rice and barley.
  • He cut my hair with his gold scissors.

حرف اضافه‌ی with برای نشان دادن احساس استفاده می‌شود؛ مانند:

  • I am emailing you with my sincere apology.
  • He came to the front stage with confidence.

حرف اضافه‌ی with برای نشان دادن توافق یا تفاهم نیز استفاده می‌شود؛ مانند:

  • Are you with me?
  • Yes, I am completely with you.
  • She agrees with me.

تفاوت over و with و by در انگلیسی: کاربرد over

حرف اضافه‌ی over برای نشان دادن حرکت از یک مکان به مکان دیگر استفاده می‌شود؛ مانند:

  • Come over to my house for dinner sometime.
  • Could you roll over?
  • They sent over a gift for his promotion.

حرف اضافه‌ی over برای نشان دادن حرکت رو به پایین استفاده می‌شود؛ مانند:

  • The big tree fell over on the road.
  • Can you bend over and get the dish for me?
  • He pushed it over the edge.

حرف اضافه‌ی over برای نشان دادن بیش از مقدار یا مقدار مورد انتظار استفاده می‌شود؛ مانند:

  • This amount is over our prediction.
  • Kids twelve and over can watch this movie.
  • The phone rang for over a minute.

حرف اضافه‌ی over برای نشان دادن یک دوره زمانی استفاده می‌شود:

  • I worked there for over a year.
  • She did not sleep there over this past month.

تفاوت over و with و by در انگلیسی: کاربرد by

حرف اضافه‌ی by برای نشان دادن نزدیکی استفاده می‌شود؛ مانند:

  • Can I sit by you?
  • He was standing by me.
  • The post office is by the bank.

حرف اضافه‌ی by برای نشان دادن شخصی که کاری را در یک جمله صوتی غیرفعال انجام می دهد استفاده می شود:

  • The microwave was fixed by the mechanic.
  • The flowers were delivered by a postman.
  • The branch office was closed by the head office.

حرف اضافه‌ی by برای نشان دادن یک عمل با هدف خاص استفاده می شود:

  • You can pass the exam by preparing for it.
  • I expressed my feeling toward her by writing a letter.
  • She finally broke the record by pure effort.

حرف اضافه‌ی by برای نشان دادن نوع سفر کردن با وسیله نقلیه‌ی خاصی استفاده می شود:

  • Please send this package to Russia by airmail.
  • I came here by subway.

تفاوت over و with و by در انگلیسی

تفاوت over و with و by در انگلیسی – تمرین برای شما

تفاوت over و with و by در انگلیسی – گزینه‌ی درست را انتخاب کنید:

1)If she left at 4 p.m., she should be here                      (with, over, by) now.
2)Go                      (with, over, by) there and catch my ball.
3)                     (With, Over, By) your determination, you will be able to achieve your dream.
4)I just found it! It was                      (with, over, by) the radio on my desk.
5)I knocked him                      (with, over, by) accidentally.
6)She was                      (with, over, by) me when the accident occurred.

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